胰腺囊实性乳头状瘤是一种较为少见的低度恶性肿瘤。笔者搜集2例,均经手术病理证实,现报道如下。病例资料病例1,女,13岁,发现右上腹肿物3天来诊。查体:右上腹稍隆起,腹软,右上腹可扪及7 cm× 7 cm大小的肿物,质韧,边界清,无压痛,表面光滑,活动度差。彩超示右上腹低回声占位。CT示肝胃之间右肾前方类圆形混杂密度病变(图1a),其内侧与胰体关系较密切,病变边缘光滑,与右肾上腺关系不大,拟诊为腹膜后占位。MR上病变呈长T1、长T2及等T1、等T2异常信号,拟诊为腹膜后占位可能性大(图1b)。
Pancreatic cystic solid papilloma is a relatively rare low-grade malignancy. The author collected 2 cases, both confirmed by surgical pathology, are reported below. Case information Case 1, female, 13 years old, found that the right upper quadrant was treated for 3 days. Examination: a slight bulge on the right upper quadrant, abdominal soft, palpable right upper quadrant and 7 cm × 7 cm size of the tumor, quality and toughness, clear boundary, no tenderness, smooth surface, poor mobility. Ultrasonography showed low echo of the right upper quadrant. CT showed the right anterior kidney between the liver and stomach round hybrid density lesions (Figure 1a), the medial and pancreatic body is more closely related to the edge of the lesion is smooth, with little relationship between the right adrenal gland, to be diagnosed as retroperitoneal space. MR lesions on the long T1, T2 and other T1, T2 and other abnormal signals, suspected diagnosis of retroperitoneal space potential (Figure 1b).