历时一年多的“雅虎”商标纠纷近日见了分晓,国家工商局商标局依法对江苏省苏州易龙电子有限公司1997年5月申请注册的“雅虎”商标予以核准注册,并裁定异议人美国雅虎公司的“YAHOO”商标不享受中文商标注册专用权。 美国雅虎公司是世界闻名的网络搜索引擎站点。1
The “Yahoo!” trademark dispute lasted for more than a year recently saw the outcome that the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce approved the registration of the “Yahoo!” trademark that Jiangsu Yi Long Electronics Co., Ltd. applied for registration in May 1997 and ruled that the opponent, the United States Yahoo’s “YAHOO” trademark does not enjoy Chinese trademark registration exclusive right. Yahoo United States is the world-renowned web search engine site. 1