人民代表大会制度是我们国 家的根本政治制度,是国家政权体 系的核心和基础,充分反映了我国 “一切权力属于人民”的本质。五十 年实践证明,只有坚持和完善人民 代表大会制度,才能推进国家经 济、政治、文化和社会生活向前发 展,才能推进民主法制建设,实现 国家长治久安。自觉接受人大对法 院的监督,将审判机关及其工作人 员置于人民的监督之下,方能确保 司法公正,维护社会正义。 自觉接受人大监督,是确保人 民法院依法办案,维护司法公正的 客观需要。人民法院接受人大及 其常委会的监督,是宪法和法律确
The system of the people’s congress is the fundamental political system of our country and the core and foundation of the state power system, which fully reflects the essence of our “all power belongs to the people.” Fifty years of practice have proved that only by adhering to and perfecting the system of the people’s congress can we push forward the country’s economic, political, cultural and social life and advance democracy and the rule of law so as to achieve long-term national peace and stability. Consciously accept the people’s congresses supervision of the court, the judicial organs and their staff under the supervision of the people, to ensure justice and safeguarding social justice. Consciously accepting oversight by the NPC is an objective need to ensure that people’s courts handle cases in accordance with the law and maintain judicial impartiality. Accepting the supervision of the NPC and its standing committees by the people’s courts is a constitutional and legal affirmation