1949年春天,我第二、第三野战军的百万雄师,云集长江下游北岸,准备发起渡江战役。危在旦夕的国民党反动当局,在美帝国主义的支持和怂恿下,一面玩弄“和谈”阴谋,以便苟延残喘,一面拼凑兵力赶修江防,妄图争取时间,凭借“长江天险”,拒我军于江北,形成“划江而治”的局面。党中央和毛泽东同志针对敌人的骗局,指示全军:“在南京国民党反动政府接受并实施真正的民主和平之前,你们丝毫也不应当松懈你们的战斗力。对于任何敢于反抗的反动派,必须坚决、彻底、干净、全部地消灭之。” 我东路大军第三野战军特种兵纵队炮六团,负责支援23军从天星桥以东至八圩港以西,强渡长江,突破敌江阴西侧江防的任务。为了制止敌人舰艇的活动,确保部队顺利渡江,从全团挑选了两个善于
In the spring of 1949, my second and third Field Army million volunteers gathered in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River to prepare for the cross-river campaign. Under the auspices of the KMT reactionary authorities, with the support and encouragement of the U.S. imperialists, they are playing the “peace talks” plot so as to linger their forces and rush to repair the Jiang-Fang defenses in an attempt to gain time. They refuse to defend our army in Jiangbei and form “Draw the river and rule” situation. The Central Party Committee and Comrade Mao Tse-tung’s conciliation aimed at the enemy has instructed the entire army: “Before the reactionary Kuomintang government in Nanjing accepted and implemented a genuine democratic peace, you should not at any time slacken your fighting power. For any reactionary who dares to resist, we must resolutely and thoroughly , Cleanly and completely eliminated. ”The army of the Third Field Army of the Third Field Army, a special forces column, is responsible for supporting the 23 Corps from the east of Tianxingqiao to the west of Baduk Harbor to force the Yangtze River to break the enemy defensive mission on the west side of the enemy river. In order to stop the activities of enemy ships and ensure the smooth passage of troops, two groups