日前,WWW创始人Tim Berners-Lee承认,互联网地址中http:后面的两条斜线并无必要。他对英国《泰晤士报》表示,他当年其实很容易找到不用这两条斜线的解决办法。现在网络用户经常抱怨需要不断输入这两条斜线。Tim Berners-Lee说,30年前设计互联网
Recently, WW Berkeley founder Tim Berners-Lee admitted that there is no need for the two backslashes at http: in the Internet address. He told The Times in England that he actually found the solution without these two slash lines. Now network users often complain about the need to constantly enter these two slash. Tim Berners-Lee said that the Internet was designed 30 years ago