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  Manuel Uribe is going for his
  second world record, his first title, the world’s heaviest living man. Well now, he wants to lose the most weight in the least amount of time. At his heaviest, Manuel Uribe weighed 1,235 pounds and was in the Guinness Book of World Records. In two years though, he’s shed some 530 pounds. Uribe says he is losing the weight through the Zone diet注, a diet based on eating calories from 1)carbohydrates, protein and certain fat percentages. Uribe still cannot move his 2)swollen legs and must ride in a special 3)trailer that can support his weight. He wants to slim down for his wedding to Claudia Solis. When he tried to attend her birthday party last March, the 4)flatbed 5)tow truck got caught under an underpass. Uribe says his goal is to weigh 285 pounds by 2010, meaning he would have lost a record 950 pounds.

*Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over  And it seems as though the writing’s on the wall  Superstar you finally made it  But once your picture becomes tainted[弄脏]  It’s what they call  The rise
Picture yourself 1)rollerblading through a gallery of Impressionist paintings. Now you’ve got some idea of what it’s like to 2)cruise the river-hugging Niagara Parkway during the brief but brilliant f
斯比德天生就是赛车的料子——他出生在一个有浓厚赛车血统的家庭,哥哥雷克斯是个前途无量的年轻车手。但一场车祸夺去了雷克斯的生命,夺去了瑞瑟一家的欢乐,也夺去了斯比德的幸福童年。长大之后,斯比德踏上哥哥的职业车手老路,甫一出道就要面对赛车世界的巨大黑幕……  喜欢这部电影,是因为那童话般色彩斑斓的画面里揉合了对社会现实的一点思考——成人世界的大势力和潜规则,很多情况下足以击沉绝大多数人的意志。纵有惊人
I could be your sea of sand   I could be your warmth of desire   I could be your prayer of hope   I could be your gift of every day   I could be your tide of heaven   I could be a hint of what’s to co
Queen Rania of Jordan is seated behind a desk in her office in Amman with three cameras trained[把(照相机等)对准] on her. She is about to film the latest edition for her personalized channel on YouTube.   It
生活越来越快餐化了。我们总是在追求更快捷的方式:只需数秒就能搜索出成千上万条信息的网络搜索引擎、时速接近音速的交通工具、一分钟内就能买到的快餐……甚至连文学巨著也有简缩版。我们的生活太匆匆,错过了许多风景,也错过了许多需要我们帮助的人。希望大家能放慢脚步,用心欣赏风景,为有需要的人伸出援手——别等到被砖头砸中了才懂得停下脚步哦!    A young and successful 1)execut
2008年8月17日,一个奥运新纪录在北京水立方诞生——迈克尔·菲尔普斯夺得了第29届奥运会上自己的第八枚金牌,同时也将自己的奥运金牌总数增加到了14枚,创造了前无古人的历史。  很多人都将菲尔普斯的奇迹归功于其不可思议的体质,但熟悉他的人都知道其成功绝非偶然——除了天资过人,更少不了长期的艰苦训练。此外,家人的支持也是菲尔普斯取得成功的坚强后盾。下面让我们一起来看看这位年轻的游泳天才是如何创造历
南国的秋天还是像夏日一样炎热,耳边不时还会响起烦人的嗡嗡声——多么希望这只是幻听啊囧~估计大多数人都会像Rico一样对蚊子深恶痛绝,实在想不出喜欢它们的理由。然而世界上“奇人异事”还真多,瞧,以下就是一例——    Food scares and bugs can disrupt a good picnic. This is the time of year when many of us fin
Despite Tokyo being one of the most expensive cities in the world, you would be surprised at how much there is to enjoy for free. From observatories[观察台] to museums,   we have rounded up[把……聚拢起来] the
Grace一直觉得街头涂鸦难登大雅之堂,有时甚至认为它们影响市容,只是叛逆少年和小混混用来宣泄内心不满的产物。然而,本文的主人公让我看到了街头艺术家的另一面。  24岁的英国小伙子Eightball和大家熟悉的典型涂鸦艺术家不同。他不仅在伦敦东部的街道上作画以供大众欣赏,还建立了一个网站宣传这种艺术形式。下面他将告诉我们他是怎样在街头开始其艺术生涯的。    Starting out  I sta