踏着奥特莱斯高速发展,不管是纯粹的奥莱运营商Tanger,还是商业地产综合选手西蒙地产,都交出了异常惊艳的成绩单,在美国零售地产REITs界风头尽揽。虽然在做大规模的手法上有所差异,Tanger稳扎稳打,西蒙激进并购,但二者均通过搭建强大的品牌网络并持续优化资产组合,实现了经营效益的最大化。全美最大的10家奥特莱斯中,有6家由西蒙地产运营,2家属于Tanger。加上Craig Realty Group,三家集团旗下总计有150家奥特莱斯,几乎占据了整个北美市场的半壁
Trek Outlets rapid development, whether pure Ao Lai operator Tanger, or commercial real estate Simon real estate, have surpassed the amazing report card, REITs retail real estate in the United States all the rage. Despite the large-scale tactics, Tanger is steadily stabilizing and Simon has aggressive mergers and acquisitions, both of which have maximized operating efficiency by building a strong brand network and continuing to optimize their portfolios. Six of the nation’s top 10 Outlets are run by Simon Property and two belong to Tanger. Coupled with Craig Realty Group, the three groups together have a total of 150 outlets, accounting for almost half of the entire North American market