Research and Markets的研究数据显示,受VoIP普及化进程拉动,2006年全球IP电话和面向宽带语音用户服务的软交换机销售均有大幅增长,IP语音在企业通信市场开始得到普及。11月下旬,在“倡导融合一体化,将用户成本降到最低”的设计理念下,三星推出了基于整合型网络平台Ubigate iBG
According to research from Research and Markets, sales of softphones for global IP telephony and broadband voice subscriber services have all increased substantially in 2006 due to the popularization of VoIP. As a result, IP telephony has started to gain popularity in the enterprise communications market. In late November, under the design concept of “Advocating Integration and Integration, Minimizing User Costs,” Samsung launched the Ubigate iBG based on the integrated network platform