Tonghua Mining Group Songshu town coal mine, coal mining technology has been used for many years. Seam angle is 4 ~ 13 °. Fewer than 6 ° dip angle, the recovery rate can reach as low as 40%. Coupled with the increasingly complex geological conditions and other factors, especially in gas outburst wells, coal mining is forbidden, so there is an urgent need to improve the coal mining process to achieve Tapping resources, prolonging mine life, alleviating the continuation of tension, reducing the labor intensity of workers and realizing the goal of high yield and high efficiency. As a result of the loose floor, when the support surface was moved, the installation of the equipment affected the installation. After the on-site inspection and demonstration, a self-made tractor was solved, which solved the problem that when installing the fully mechanized mining equipment at the face of +206 East mining area, A problem, to ensure the installation of equipment. In this paper, the hydraulic support in the fully mechanized mining face handling, installation process, the existing problems and problems to solve the installation to discuss.