一、活动总目标 通过分组活动的教学形式,让幼儿利用自己感兴趣的学具学习讲述图片内容,发展幼儿讲述能力及动手操作的能力。 二、活动分目标 A组目标:幼儿能在理解原图意的基础上进行讲述活动,并可根据自己的意愿重新编排顺序后再讲述出图片的内容,要求幼儿使用描述性的语言进行讲述。 B组目标:要求幼儿在观察和理解图片内容后,通过操作手指木偶、角色表演等方式,运用学习过的语句
First, the overall goal of activities Through the teaching activities of group activities, so that children learn to use their own learning tools to tell the picture content, development of children’s ability to tell about the ability and hands-on operation. Second, the activities of the target group A goal: children can understand the original graphic Italian based on the description of activities, and according to their own wishes to re-arrange the order and then tell the picture of the content, require children to use descriptive language to tell. Group B Objectives: Require children to observe and understand the picture content, through the operation of finger puppets, character shows, etc., using the learned statement