1临床资料患者,女性,30岁,因妊娠2173周自然流产2 h来院就诊。妇科检查:外阴已婚,阴道伸展性良好,其内可见少量血块。宫颈光滑,见一个子宫口,子宫前位,超成人手拳大小,宫体前壁欠光滑,左角突出,无压痛。双侧附件正常。B超检查:子宫体增大,形态失常,宫底切面横切显示羊角形两子
1 clinical data of patients, women, 30 years of age, 2173 weeks of pregnancy due to spontaneous abortion 2 h hospital. Gynecological examination: vulva is married, good vaginal extension, which can be seen in a small amount of blood clots. Cervical smooth, see a uterine cervix, anteroposterior uterus, ultra-adult hand fist size, Palace anterior wall less smooth, prominent left corner, no tenderness. Bilateral accessories normal. B-ultrasound: enlargement of the uterus, morphological disorders, cross-section of the bottom of the cervix horns show two