一、概述 仡佬族是祖国大家庭中古老的一员,自古生息繁衍于云贵高原上。据1990年统计,仡佬族约有人口43万多,其中大部分居住在贵州省的道真、正安、务川、石阡、大方、关岭、黔西、六枝、遵义、织金、普定等县和特区,其余散居在清镇、平坝、安顺、镇宁、水城、晴隆、贞丰、兴仁、纳雍、云南省的富宁、广南、马关、麻栗坡、文山以及广西壮族自治区的隆林等县和特区。此外,越南北部也有少数仡佬族散居,根据1982年统计,这一地区的仡佬族有
I. General Mulam is an ancient member of the motherland’s extended family and lives on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau since ancient times. According to 1990 statistics, the Mulam has a population of more than 430,000, most of whom live in Daozhen, Zheng’an, Wuchuan, Shiqian, Dafang, Guanling, Qianxi, Six, Zunyi, Zhijin, Puding Other counties and special zones, and the remaining scattered in Qingzhen, Pingba, Anshun, Zhenning, Watertown, Qinglong, Zhenfeng, Xingren, Nayong, Fu Ning, Quang Nam, Maguan, Malipo, Wenshan and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of Longlin counties and special zones. In addition, there are also a small number of Mulao people living in northern Vietnam. According to statistics of 1982, Mulam people in this area have