家是孩子最大的王国,家中的一切都属于孩子。然而,真正属于孩子的并不是家中的一切,而是那方寸之大的四方抽屉。 16年前,女儿“呱呱”落地后,便开始在属于她的王国里玩弄电动车、玩具狗、魔方、积木。然而,为了使玩过后的玩具不至于满地堆放,妻子便为她准备了一个抽屉。于是,抽屉便成了妻子为女儿收容玩具的天地。 8岁那年,女儿上了小学。妻子为她买了一大堆学
Home is the child’s largest kingdom, everything in the family belongs to children. However, what really belongs to the child is not everything in the house, but rather the square-sized drawer. 16 years ago, her daughter “quack” landing, they began to play in the Kingdom of electric cars, toy dogs, Rubik’s Cube, building blocks. However, in order to make the toys after the play is not stacked on the ground, his wife prepared a drawer for her. As a result, the drawer has become the wife’s daughter to receive toys world. At the age of 8, her daughter went to elementary school. Wife bought her a lot of learning