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本文把基础教育阶段英语课程的基本理念和趣味教学相结合,提出了五项教学原则,九种趣味教学方法。其目的是为了学生在玩中学,学中用,提高教学质量,真正达到“教学相长”。一、趣味教学原则趣味教学原则就是教师在趣味教学中必须遵循的基本要求和指导原则。它是根据教育目的和教学过程的客观规律提出来的,是教学实践经验的总结和理论探讨的概括。正确理解、掌握和贯彻执行趣味教学原则,是正确处理教学过程中各种矛盾关系和提高教学质量的重要保证。1.理论联系实际原则。要求教师在加强基础知识的教学过程中,把理论讲授同实际结合起来,使学生获得比较完全的知识,做到学以致用。理论联系实际是教学的基本原则,是教学过程中学生认知规律的反映,也是学以致用的需要。2.直观性原则。这是教师运用各种直观教学手段,引导学生充分感知所学对象,使学生获得生动的表象,为正确理 This article combines the basic idea of ​​English course in basic education with the teaching of interest, puts forward five teaching principles and nine interesting teaching methods. Its purpose is for students to play secondary school, learn to use to improve the quality of teaching, to truly achieve “long-term teaching.” First, the fun teaching principle Fun teaching principle is the teacher must follow the basic requirements and guidelines in the fun teaching. It is put forward according to the objective law of educational purpose and teaching process, which is the summary of the practical teaching experience and the summary of the theoretical discussion. Correctly understand, grasp and implement the principle of fun teaching, is an important guarantee to correctly handle the various contradictions and relationships and improve the quality of teaching in the teaching process. 1. Theory with the actual principle. Require teachers to strengthen the basic knowledge of the teaching process, the theory of teaching combined with the actual, so that students gain more complete knowledge, so learn practical purposes. The relationship between theory and practice is the basic principle of teaching, which is the reflection of students’ cognitive rules in the process of teaching. 2. Intuitive principles. This is the teacher using a variety of visual teaching methods to guide students fully aware of what they learn to enable students to get a vivid representation of the correct
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<正> 中国书法艺术以它独特的艺术表现形式,强烈的民族风格,在世界艺术宝库中放射着异彩。 艺术来源于生活,根生于劳动。正是人们日常生活和社会劳动的需要,还是在原始社会的