1995甲A联赛最后一轮,北京国安主场迎战广东宏远。天空上飘起一幅巨大的画像:曹限东。 比赛结束了,国安队如愿以偿战胜宏远,夺得甲A亚军。球迷围住曹限东:“看到自己这么大的画像,你怎么好象无动于衷似的?” 曹限东回答:“我不敢看,只有毛主席才应当有巨幅画像。球迷爱我,鼓励我,我心里特感激。但我不能多看,不能分心,踢球必须专心致志。” 27岁的曹限东,中等身材,一张并不生动的脸。通关的狮鼻,黑黑的眉毛,头发有点自来卷儿,两眼神采也远谈不上飞扬。身上不是运动衣,就是一件棕色的半新不旧的皮夹克——放在人堆儿里,就是个普普通通的北京人。 他没有某些球星那种叱咤风云的声势,也没有供人添油加醋的闲事。踢球朴实无华却不
1995 A League final round, Beijing Guoan vs. Guangdong Hongyuan. Floating on the sky a huge portrait: Cao limit East. The game over, Guo’an defeated Hongyuan done, won the A runner-up. Cao Yongdong fans around the wall: “to see such a big picture of yourself, how do you seem indifferent?” Cao Dongdong replied: “I can not see, only Chairman Mao should have a huge portrait fans love me, encourage me, I I am very grateful, but I can not look, can not be distracted, playing football must concentrate on. ”27-year-old Cao East, medium build, a not vivid face. Lion’s clearance of the nose, black eyebrows, hair a little volume of children, his eyes are far from flying. Body is not a sportswear, is a brown, not old leather jacket - on the pile of children, it is an ordinary Beijingers. He did not have the kind of all-star performance of all-powerful momentum, there is no spare time for people. Unobtrusive to play but not