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答:肝脏在人体内不仅是处理机体代谢产物和储存养料的重要器官,而且也是对进入人体内各种有害物质的解毒器官.从消化道吸收来的一些有害物质随血液流经肝脏,在肝脏的作用下能转化为无毒物质,并将废物通过肠道和肾脏排出体外.有肝脏病的人,肝脏的这种转化作用已不健全,对有害物质的解毒功能将明显减退.酒的主要成分是乙醇(酒精),其中以白干、烧酒、大曲等所含乙醇最高,药酒和黄酒次之,含乙醇量最低的是啤酒和格瓦斯.少量饮酒对正常人来说,有促进血液循环、帮助消化和提供热量的作用;但长期或大量饮酒对人体危害甚大,且不说它对心血管、胃肠道等疾病的害处,单对肝脏的损害就已令人生畏. A: The liver in the body is not only to deal with the body’s metabolic products and nourishing the storage of vital organs, but also to enter the body of a variety of harmful substances detoxification organs.Down from the digestive tract to absorb some of the harmful substances through the liver with blood flow in the liver Of the role can be transformed into non-toxic substances, and the waste through the gut and the kidneys excreted.Healthy people, the liver of this transformation is not perfect, the detoxification of harmful substances will be significantly reduced. The ingredients are ethanol (alcohol), including white dry, shochu, Daqu et al containing the highest ethanol, wine and rice wine followed by the lowest alcohol-containing beer and gas Gervas. A small amount of alcohol for normal people, promote blood circulation, Help digestion and provide calories; but long-term or heavy drinking on the human body is very harmful, not to mention its cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and other diseases, the damage to the liver alone has been daunting.
Combining with the diatom-based conductivity transfer function from Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau lakes, the lake salinity for the past 300 years was quantit
我院自1991年1月起在新生儿中普种乙肝疫苗,接种率为100%,1992年1月1日起,接卫生防疫站要求,把乙肝免疫正式纳入计划免疫管理。 1 免疫方案采取0、1、6方案,对产妇无论HEsAg
我院对120例献血员进行丙型和乙型肝炎血清学调查,报告如下:1、材料和方法1.1 研究对象 120例献血员来自南宁市及市郊,年龄18~49岁,其中男性93例,女性27例。1.2 血清检测及结
作者应用PCR技术检测9例慢性乙型肝炎病人经抗病毒治疗或自发性HBsAg阴转3~67个月后血清和肝组织中的HBV DNA。病人初起时均有血清转氨酶持续升高1年以上,有慢性乙型肝炎的组