Within four days of a coup d’être in four days, there were two coup attempts in Iran. On the night of August 15, on the night of August 15, the Iranian royal guard army commander Naxiri led the army to arrest Foreign Minister Futemi and attempted to arrest Prime Minister Mosaitai. As a result, his conspiracy failed and the Iranian King fled to Iraqi capital Baghdad on the 16th. Again on August 19, it was reported in Tehran that the proponents of the Iranian kings took control of some government buildings and Tehran radio stations on that day under General Sahidi. The Mosaitai government has been overthrown. The military coup of the Iranian court group was launched entirely under the control of the U.S. imperialist spies. According to the Chartat newspaper in Tehran, the former U.S. adviser to the Iranian Gendarmerie General Schwarzkopf, who met with the Iranian King on August 9, instructed the Iranian court to promptly overthrow the present government and establish a government by means of a military coup. A similar cover