近年来,迁安县积极开发沙地资源,发展沙地板栗,由于沙地自然条件差,板栗栽植成活率一直很低。今春,在总结经验的基础上,我们采取了客土、穿衣、覆膜、插根、平茬、套袋六项技术措施,使栽植成活率达到85%以上。 1、客土。在瘠薄的沙地上,由于有机质及各种养分含量低,既不保水又不保肥,满足不了板栗根系再生的需要,导致难生根、生根少。因此,我们采取了客土栽植法:在土质较好的地块,开挖定植沟或定植穴时,心表土分开放,栽植时先用较肥沃的表土回填;在土质较差的地块,先开挖1米见方的定植穴,再往坑内填满富含有优质的塘泥或河淤土,而后栽植。
In recent years, Qian’an actively developed sand resources and developed sand chestnut. Due to the poor natural conditions of sand land, the survival rate of chestnut planting has been very low. This spring, on the basis of summing up experiences, we adopted six technical measures such as guest soil, dressing, laminating, inserting roots, stubble and bagging so that the survival rate of planting more than 85%. 1, guest territory. In infertile sandy land, due to low organic matter and various nutrients, neither water nor fertilizer can not meet the needs of chestnut root regeneration, resulting in hard rooting and less rooting. Therefore, we have adopted the method of planting soil and soil: in the land with better soil quality, when planting the planting furrow or planting hole, the heart and surface soil are separated and open, and when the planting is carried out, the soil is first filled with the more fertile topsoil; in the area with poorer soil, First excavation 1 meter square planting hole, and then filled the pit filled with high quality pond mud or river silt, and then planted.