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在古代,声音是一种绝美的享受,所以制造声音成为古人探索发现的乐趣,继而发明了各种乐器。今年的《口袋书》让我们一起走进中国古典乐器的世界,本期先为大家介绍“埙”。埙是汉族特有的闭口吹奏乐器。埙的起源与汉族先民的劳动生产活动有关,最初可能是先民们模仿鸟兽叫声而制作,用以诱捕猎物。后随社会进步而演化为单纯的乐器,并逐渐增加音孔,发展成可以吹奏曲调的旋律乐器。 In ancient times, sound was a wonderful enjoyment, so the sound was made by the ancients to explore the discovery of pleasure, and then invented a variety of musical instruments. This year's “pocket book” let us walk into the world of classical Chinese instruments, this issue for everyone to introduce “埙 ”.埙 is a Han-style closed-mouth instrument. The origin of the flesh is related to the labor production activities of the ancestors of the Han nationality. Initially, the ancestors made their imitation of the beast's beast to trap their prey. After the social progress evolved into a simple instrument, and gradually increase the sound hole, developed into a melody can play melodies.
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