纵隔间叶错构瘤少见,引起心包填塞亦少见报告,本院收治1例报告如下。 男性,23岁,因劳累后心悸气短3个月,咳泡沫血痰1小时入院。体格检查:血压12.0/10.7kPa(90/80mmHg),脉搏110次/分。神志清楚,口唇发绀,颈静脉怒张,心界向左侧扩大,心音远而弱,两肺布满湿性
Uncommon hamartoma in the mediastinum is rare, causing pericardial tamponade to be rarely reported. One case reported in this hospital was reported below. Male, 23 years old, suffered from shortness of breath and shortness of breath for 3 months. He had cough and blood stasis for 1 hour. Physical examination: Blood pressure 12.0/10.7 kPa (90/80 mmHg), pulse 110 beats/minute. Conscious, lips cyanotic, jugular venous engorgement, expansion of the heart border to the left, heart sounds far and weak, both lungs covered with wetness