Modeling contaminant transport in homogeneous porous media with fractional advection-dispersion equa

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jieean
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The newly developed Fractional Advection-Dispersion Equation (FADE), which is based on the Levy motion theory, is an important tool for simulating contaminant transport. The FADE was extended and used in this paper for modelling adsorbing contaminant transport by adding an adsorbing term. A parameter estimation method and its corresponding FORTRAN based program named FADEMain were developed on the basis of Nonlinear Least Square Algorithm and the analytical solution for one-dimensional FADE under the conditions of step input and steady state flow. Data sets of adsorbing contaminants Cd and NH4+-N transport in short homogeneous soil columns and conservative solute NaCl transport in a long homogeneous soil column, respectively were used to estimate the transport parameters both by FADEMain and the advection-dispersion equation (ADE) based program CXTFIT2.1. Results indicated that the concentration simulated by FADE agreed well with the measured data. Compared to the ADE model, FADE can provide better simulation for the concentration in the initial lower concentration part and the late higher concentration part of the breakthrough curves for both adsorbing contaminants. The dispersion coefficients for ADE were from 0.13 to 7.06 cm2/min, while the dispersion coefficients for FADE ranged from 0.119 to 3.05 cm1.856/min for NaCI transport in the long homogeneous soil column. We found that the dispersion coefficient of FADE increased with the transport distance, and the relationship between them can be quantified with an exponential function. Less scale-dependent was also found for the dispersion coefficient of FADE with respect to ADE. The newly developed Fractional Advection-Dispersion Equation (FADE), which is based on the Levy motion theory, is an important tool for simulating contaminant transport. The FADE was extended and used in this paper for modeling adsorptionbing contaminant transport by adding an adsorbing term. A parameter estimation method and its corresponding FORTRAN based program named FADEMain were developed on the basis of Nonlinear Least Square Algorithm and the analytical solution for one-dimensional FADE under the conditions of step input and steady state flow. Data sets of adsorbing contaminants Cd and NH4 + -N transport in short homogeneous soil columns and conservative solute NaCl transport in a long homogeneous soil column, respectively were used to estimate the transport parameters both by FADEMain and the advection-dispersion equation (ADE) based program CXTFIT2.1. Results indicated that the Concentrated simulated by FADE agreed well with the measured data. Compared to the ADE model, FADE can p rovide better simulation for the concentration in the initial lower concentration part and the late higher concentration part of the breakthrough curves for both adsorbing contaminants. The dispersion coefficients for ADE were from 0.13 to 7.06 cm2 / min while the dispersion coefficients for FADE ranged from 0.119 to found 3.05 cm1.856 / min for NaCI transport in the long homogeneous soil column. We found that the dispersion coefficient of FADE increased with the transport distance, and the relationship between them can be quantified with an exponential function. Less scale-dependent was also found for the dispersion coefficient of FADE with respect to ADE.
摘 要:“大人”在当今社会中主要指成年人,其作为对古代官员敬称的义项也为大众所熟知。然而在过去数千年的历史演变中,“大人”的含义却多有变化。文章通过对历代文献中“大人”一词用法的考察,归纳出“大人”词义演变的情况,以期加深对这一常用词汇的认识。  关键词:大人 称谓 演变  “大”者,用以状称一切庞然之物。在人前冠之以大,其所含尊崇之意不言自明。“大人”一词最初是对有德位之人的尊称。此后,随着社会
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