大学英语四级考试“功不可没”。但在充分肯定大学英语四级考试的同时 ,由考试衍生出许多问题 :应试教育泛滥 ,后续教学无暇顾及 ,“一刀切”教学 ,效益不高 ,高分低能 ,针对上述存在的问题 ,应当采取相对有利的措施 ,努力创造条件 ,完善大学英语四级考试。应主要从以下几个方面做起 :1 充分发挥统考的导向作用 ,把大学英语引向正确轨道 ;2 改进教学方法 ,提高学生实际运用英语的能力 ;3 实行大学英语分级教学 ,设置后续课教学 ;4 建立和稳定一支优秀的大学英语师资队伍
CET CET “can not do without.” However, while fully affirming CET4, many questions arise from the examination: the flood of examination-oriented education, the lack of follow-up teaching, the “one size fits all” teaching, the low benefit and the low scores and the high scores, and the relative problems mentioned above should be taken relatively Favorable measures, and strive to create the conditions for improving CET-4. Should be mainly from the following aspects: 1 give full play to the guidance of the exam, the college English lead to the right track; 2 improve teaching methods to improve students’ ability to use English; 3 the implementation of college English teaching, set follow-up teaching ; 4 to establish and stabilize a good college English faculty