本文对方正银鲫、异育银鲫、彭泽鲫3种名优鲫作简要介绍。 1 方正银鲫原产于黑龙江省方正县双风水库 1.1 形态特征体侧扁,比普通鲫高, 体型短,头小,下唇厚无须。胸鳍不达腹鳍,尾鳍分叉浅,上下叶末端尖。体背部黑灰色,体侧部深银灰色。体长为体高的2.35-2.48倍,鳃耙数 44-54个,多数为49个。 1.2 生活习性生命力强,对各种环境有广泛的适应性,在碱性较大的水域
In this paper, Fusarium crucian carp, allogynogenetic crucian carp, crucian carp three kinds of famous crucian carp for brief introduction. 1 Founder silver crucian carp originated in Fangzheng County, Heilongjiang Province Shuangfeng Reservoir 1.1 Morphological characteristics of the body side of the flat, higher than ordinary crucian carp, body size is short, the first small, lower lip thick without. Pectoral fin is not up to the pelvic fins, caudal fin shallow bifurcation, the tip of the upper and lower leaves. Body dark gray back, dark gray side of the body. Body length of 2.35-2.48 times the body height, gill rakers 44-54, the majority of 49. 1.2 habits Habitat vitality, a wide range of environmental adaptability in the more alkaline waters