Leber 氏遗传性视神经萎缩因1871年 Leber 首将本病作为一个独立的临床疾病,并指出其遗传性而得名。本病在国外1931年前已有报告上千例。国内1953年刘永钧等首次报告2家族6例,此后偶有报告。本文报告1家族4例。病例1 吴×富(先证者)男38岁,因双眼视力下降2月于1977年9月22日入院。住院号168519。
Leber’s hereditary optic atrophy was first described by Leber in 1871 as an independent clinical condition, pointing out its heritability. The disease in foreign countries before 1931 has reported thousands of cases. Liu Yongjun in 1953, such as the first reported 2 families in 6 cases, after occasional reports. This article reports a family of 4 cases. Case 1 Wu × Fu (proband) Male 38 years old, due to decreased binocular vision in February 22, 1977 admission. Hospital number 168519.