2000年5月9日8时,举世瞩目的前苏联“明思克”号航空母舰,经过1年零4个月的改造,将从广州文冲船厂拔锚启航。修葺一新的航母抖去了岁月的尘埃,一眼望去,它的确不同凡响:舰艏高高昂起,舰头尖尖而威严挺立,硕大无比的舰体令人叹为观止;蓝灰色的“新衣”使它在早晨的阳光下显得威风凛凛。 前来参加启航仪式的贵宾们分别落座,围观的人们挤得水泄不通。当中国船级社广州分社曾少凡总经理和验船师陈小明步入贵宾席时,迎来了一阵热烈的掌声。这时锣鼓喧天,礼炮震响,雄狮漫舞,启航仪式开始。当人们一直关注着揭
At 8:00 on May 9, 2000, the world-famous Soviet Minsk aircraft carrier, after a year and four months of transformation, will pull anchor from Guangzhou Wenchong Shipyard. Repair of a new aircraft carrier shake away the dust of the years, at a glance, it is extraordinary: ship 艏 high surge, majestic and majestic ship standing tall, gigantic hull breathtaking; blue gray “new clothes ”Make it look majestic in the morning sun. The VIPs who came to attend the sailing ceremony were seated respectively and crowds of people were crowded together. When China Classification Society Zeng Shaofan, general manager of Guangzhou Branch and surveyor Chen Xiaoming entered the VIP seats, ushered in a burst of warm applause. At this time percussion, gun salute, lion dance, sailing ceremony began. When people are always concerned about exposing