
来源 :国外医学(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fjiik
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儿童与婴儿期胃食道反流可以出现许多症状,但以肺部症状为突出,对于儿童期反流的诊断需要一个安全又廉价的无需放射的试验,作者推荐应用美蓝试验。技术用美蓝置0.1 mole/L盐酸作成1%溶液,以每公斤体重5 ml,在空腹时经胃管注入胃内,然后取出胃管,口服速可眠6mg/kg,用一根聚乙烯导管,其外径为2 mm,沿长轴作几个开口,内放一棉线,经鼻腔插入到食道下部。病人仰卧2小时,然后坐起,迅速取出导管,抽出棉线。在试验期间如有任何美蓝反流,则对着管孔的棉线部分就被染色。毛细管作用不会使线的全氏着色,因此,即使导管末端侵入到胃内,棉线全长也不会被染色。效果70例婴儿及儿童,其中46例年龄为6个月~2岁,22例为2~5岁,用标准钡剂X线检查及关蓝试验研究其反流症状。49例X线检查显示有反流存在,所有这些病例亦显示美蓝反流,另外3例X线检查阴性者美蓝试验亦有反流。其余18例既无钡剂也无 Gastroesophageal reflux in children and infants can present many symptoms, but with pulmonary symptoms is prominent, a safe and inexpensive radiation-free test is needed for the diagnosis of childhood reflux and the authors recommend the use of methylene blue. Technology with methylene blue 0.1 mole / L hydrochloric acid to make a 1% solution to 5 ml per kg body weight, fasting by gastric tube into the stomach, and then remove the tube, the oral can sleep 6mg / kg, with a polyethylene Catheter, the outer diameter of 2 mm, along the long axis for several openings, put a cotton thread, the nasal cavity inserted into the lower esophagus. Patient supine for 2 hours, then sit up, remove the catheter quickly, pull out the cotton thread. During the test if any methylene blue reflux, then against the tube hole cotton part is dyed. The capillary action does not stain the entire line, so that the entire length of the cotton is not dyed even if the tip of the catheter intrudes into the stomach. Effect of 70 cases of infants and children, of which 46 cases were 6 months to 2 years old, 22 cases were 2 to 5 years old, with standard barium X-ray examination and off the blue test of reflux symptoms. 49 cases of X-ray examination showed the existence of reflux, all of these cases also showed methylene blue reflux, and the other three cases of X-ray test also have blue methylene blue reflux. The remaining 18 patients had neither barium nor barium