2000年6月9日.重庆市科委主持并邀请西 南农业大学及市内有关专家.对重庆市农料所承 担的“辣椒抗源材料的筛选及开发利用”、“春秋 兼用型辣椒新品种选能育”项目进行了田间鉴评, 对“辣椒新品种渝椒二号、三号及配栽培效术 的示范推广”项目进行了结题验收。专家组
June 9, 2000. Chongqing Science and Technology Commission hosted and invited Southwest Agricultural University and city-related experts. Chongqing Municipality of agricultural materials undertaken by the “chili anti-source material screening and development and utilization”, “Spring and Autumn hybrid pepper varieties selection and breeding” project field evaluation, the “new pepper varieties pepper No. 2, And with cultivation and cultivation of the demonstration and promotion of ”project carried out the final acceptance. Expert group