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口头作文是培养学生语文表达能力的有效途径。口头作文看来似乎只培养了学生的口头表达能力,实则训练了学生思维的严密性、逻辑性和敏捷性。听、说与读、写的关系是相辅相成,互为因果的。说和写都必须以思为前提,口头表达能力的增强必然会促进书面表达能力的提高。这是一个问题的两方面,不应厚此薄彼,重写轻说,而应使之交换促进,相得益彰。口头作文应该尽快普遍地列入中学语文教学的议事日程。小学语文课内常见的看图说话,重述课文,口头造句,口头描绘,讲演比赛,讲故事,诵诗文等生动活泼、丰富多彩的培养学生口头表达能力的方式,进中学后,随着年级的升高便越来越少。特别是到了高中,勉强残存的一点点口头表达能力训练,也被无尽的题海所淹没。不少学生高中快毕业了,提笔为文,倒还文从字顺;上台讲话,则大多语无伦次,手足无措,甚至使人不知所云。要改变这一现状,除坚持低年级那些行之有效的说 Oral writing is an effective way to develop students' language ability. Oral essay seems to only cultivate the students' verbal ability, but in fact trained the students thinking rigor, logic and agility. Listening, speaking and reading, writing the relationship is complementary and mutually causal. Both speaking and writing must be based on thinking. The enhancement of oral expression ability will surely promote the improvement of written expression ability. This is a question of two aspects. We should not pay too much attention to rewriting frivolity, but should make exchange and promotion mutually beneficial. Oral essay should be generally included in the agenda of secondary language teaching as soon as possible. In the primary school Chinese class, the common way of reading, repeating the text, verbally creating the sentence, verbally portraying, speaking contest, telling the story and chanting poems and writing vivid and colorful and cultivating students' oral expression ability, after entering secondary school, Grade increases will be less and less. Especially to high school, barely surviving a bit of verbal ability training, but also endless sea of ​​inundation. Many of the students graduated from high school soon, mentioning the pen as the text, writing down the text from the word Shun; speech on stage, most of incoherent, know what to do, and even make people know what to say. To change this situation, in addition to those who adhere to the lower grades that effective
院子里的雪冻得硬邦邦的,刮着寒冷的风。风透过窗户纸上的窟窿眼儿,咝咝作响。  夕阳淡淡地照在仓房的墙上。墙角,一只小动物卧在那里,一动也不动。  “啊,是死啦!到底……”  从正房走进仓房的正太郎不由得站住了。  那是两三天前家里的男佣人从山里捉回来的一只小狐狸。直到现在,不论给它什么东西,它都不吃。正太郎冲到跟前,想摸一摸死了的狐狸。可是,被认为已经死了的狐狸“腾”地跳了起来,用尖利的牙齿咬了一