介绍了近年发展起来的一套土壤和沉积物的磁参数研究及其在环境科学中的应用 .目前 ,已能通过测定土壤和沉积物的磁化率、饱和等温剩磁、依频磁化率、“软”剩磁、“硬”剩磁和非滞剩磁等磁参数 ,鉴别样品中磁性矿物的含量、颗粒度及矿物学特征 ,而这些特征与土壤或沉积物所处的环境状况密切相关 .据此 ,土壤和沉积物的磁参数研究已被尝试性地应用于大气污染、重金属污染以及古气候的重建等环境问题的研究 .
The magnetic parameters of soils and sediments developed in recent years are introduced and their applications in environmental science are introduced.At present, the magnetic susceptibility of soils and sediments, the isothermal remanence of saturation, the magnetic susceptibility of frequency, Soft “remanence,” hard "remanence and non-demagnetizing magnetic parameters to identify the content, granularity and mineralogical characteristics of the magnetic minerals in the samples, which are closely related to the environmental conditions in which the soil or sediments are located. Accordingly, the study of the magnetic parameters of soils and sediments has been tentatively applied to the study of environmental issues such as atmospheric pollution, heavy metal pollution and paleoclimate reconstruction.