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本刊讯8月15日,广安联通与广安电信签定共建“沪蓉高速广邻段华蓥山隧道”通信线路协议。依据协议约定,由广安电信负责向高速公路管理方(川东高速管理处)租赁管道、负责电力引入以及协调施工,由广安联通负责布放光缆与采购天线。该路段全长4.978公里,8月底开工,该项目共为公司节省成本近30万 On August 15, Guang’an Unicom signed a contract with Guang’an Telecom to build a “Hu-Rong-Shan Tunnel of Hu-Rong Expressway in Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway.” Pursuant to the agreement, Guang’an Telecom is responsible for renting pipelines to the expressway manager (East Sichuan High Speed ​​Administration) for the introduction of electric power and coordinated construction. Guang’an Unicom is responsible for laying optical cables and purchasing antennas. The road length of 4.978 kilometers, started by the end of August, the project a total cost savings of nearly 300,000 for the company
Background:Electrohydraulic lithotripsy is a highly effective method for fragm enting biliary stones,butdirectvisual control is required.The efficacy and the sa
深夜,两对亮光如流星一般划过天际。许久,从天空传来一阵震耳欲聋的轰鸣。这是一个 F/A-22的双机编队正在赶往战区。“派特,两点钟方向,兔子两只。距离165公里,高度9000米。
AIM: To study the protective effect of eukaryotic expression plasmid encoding augmenter of liver regeneration (ALR) on acute hepatic injury and hepatic failure
AIM: To determine the in vivo and in vivo effects of cysteamine (CS) on expression and activity of H+-K+-ATPase of gastric mucosal cells in weaning piglets. MET
病历摘要患者男性 ,43岁 ,因胸闷气促 2个月 ,复发 1周于 2 0 0 1年 2月 2 7日入院。患者 2个月前无明显诱因出现胸闷气促 ,不伴发热及咳嗽 ,无乏力盗汗及胸痛。 2 0 0 0年 1
目的 探讨乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)对慢性乙肝(CHB)患者外周血树突状细胞(DC)分泌IL-12水平的影响。方法 采集23例CHB患者和8例正常健康人的抗凝外周静脉血,分离外周血单个核
创新过程中有难以驾驭的创造力、无法控制的意外好运、对未知状况的冒险信任,以及将其商业化过程中所犯的彻头彻尾的错误 Unmanageable creativity in the process of innov