Chen X, female, 35, hospital number 1502. The patient had seen epigastric pain from June 1982 and had repeated episodes four times. He was relieved temporarily by local hospitals using antispasmodic drugs and traditional Chinese medicines. On August 10, 82, she also experienced severe epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation and hospitalization for income. Check: body temperature 37°C, pulse 80 beats/min, blood pressure 90/60 mm Hg, conscious, weight loss, no yellow skin-stained sclera, superficial lymph nodes, heart-lung (-), abdomen soft boat, right upper quadrant Mild tenderness. The lower liver is 0.5 cm below the ribs and is soft. Blood routine: 10.6 grams of hemoglobin, 4 million red blood cells/mm3, 4600/mm3 white blood cells, 72% neutral, lymph