麦粒种是双孢蘑菇的理想栽培用种.但生产麦粒种杂茵污染率较高,损失大.笔者从平菇、金针菇菌袋污染料重新灭菌接种栽培得到启发,能否用同样方法处理双孢蘑菇的污染菌种呢?为此,我们进行了如下试验:1 供试材料①品种:蘑菇152,引自上海农科院食用菌所.②污染菌瓶:从常规菌种生产中挑出,受污染部分不超过整瓶50%,共选用接种污染菌料100瓶.2 试验方法 将污染瓶菌料加少许腐熟牛粪作封口
Agaricus bisporus species is the ideal cultivation of the species used, but the production of variegated varieties of corn pollution is higher, the loss of the author from the mushrooms, mushroom bag bacteria germ re-sterilization of inoculated cultivation inspired, whether the same Method to deal with Agaricus bisporus contaminated species? To this end, we conducted the following tests: 1 test material ① varieties: mushroom 152, cited from the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences edible bacteria. ② pollution bottles: from conventional strains of production In the selected part of the contaminated part of not more than 50% of the bottle, a total of 100 kinds of bacteria inoculated with a choice of bacteria .2 test methods will be contaminated bottle of bacteria plus a little cow dung manure for sealing