孙中山在其革命生涯中,承蒙许多日本友人的襄助,梅屋庄吉先生就是其中之一。 梅屋1886年生于长崎,15岁至上海学习汉学,酷受中国文物及美术。19岁赴美留学,后在朝鲜、海参崴、南洋、香港、厦门、新加坡等地从事电影摄制业,成为日本电影托拉斯的董事。1894年,梅屋与正在香港从事革命活动的孙中山相识,两人因志趣相投,义结金兰。
During his revolutionary career, Sun Yat-sen was supported by many Japanese friends and one of them was Mr. Mayumi Zhuangji. Meiya was born in Nagasaki in 1886 and studied Chinese learning at the age of 15 from Shanghai. He is greatly influenced by Chinese relics and fine arts. 19-year-old went to the United States to study in Japan, after North Korea, Vladivostok, Nanyang, Hong Kong, Xiamen, Singapore and other places engaged in the film industry, a Japanese film trust. In 1894, May House met Sun Yat-sen, who is now engaged in revolutionary activities in Hong Kong. They both shared their interests because of their common interests.