今年9月14日,日本“月神”(也被称为“辉夜姬”)月球探测器发射升空,成为了亚洲探月的领跑者。与其他国家的单一月球探测器相比,“月神”最大的特点就是携带了两颗子卫星:甚长基线干涉测量无线电(VRAD)子卫星和中继子卫星。VRAD 子卫星主要用来协助主卫星绘制月球重力场分布图,通过使用多普勒测距仪来测量主卫星轨道随着下方月球表面密度波动而产生的变化。当主卫星在月球背
September 14 this year, Japan “Luna ” (also known as “Moon Ye Ji ”) lunar probe launch, became the leader of Asian lunar exploration. Compared with the single lunar probe in other countries, “Luna” is the most prominent feature of carrying two satellites: the very long baseline interferometric radio (VRAD) satellite and the relay satellite. The VRAD sub-satellite is mainly used to assist the main satellite in mapping the lunar gravity field and to measure changes in the orbit of the main satellite with fluctuations in the density of the lunar surface beneath by using a Doppler rangefinder. When the main satellite is on the moon back