
来源 :法律方法与法律思维 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoshun9231
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思维是客观事物在人脑中间接的和概括的反映,是借助语言所现的理性认识过程。对于法律人来讲,思维方式甚至比他们的专业知识更为重要。因为他们的专业知识是有据(法律规定)可查的,而思维方式是决定他们认识和判断的基本因素,况且非经长期专门 Thinking is an indirect and general reflection of objective things in the human brain. It is through the process of rational cognition in language. For legal people, the way of thinking is even more important than their professional knowledge. Because their professional knowledge is well documented (legal provisions), and the way of thinking is the basic factor that determines their understanding and judgment, and not long-term special
《元照英美法词典》汇聚三代法学睿哲与300学人十年潜心之力,堪称体现中国法学界70年来英美法研究最高水平的煌煌巨典。这部400万字的辞书已于今年年初推出  学习外国法,一忌先入为主,需要保持开放的心态,不要急着对具体的制度环节下结论;二忌不求甚解,外来的和尚不一定会念经,即便会念经,我们也可能会听不懂,拘囿于外表和细枝末节的“比着葫芦画瓢”并不可取  法律出版社新近出版的一部辞书《元照英美法词典》