本文论述了研究的背景和意义,简单介绍基于随机效用理论的Logit模型和用于随机模拟的Monte Carlo方法,然后讨论运用Logit模型生成城市客运站选择概率,利用Monte Carlo方法模拟城市客运站选择行为,并以南京市城市客运站规划为实例,验证Logit模型和Monte Carlo方法的适用性,最后得出基于Logit模型和Monte Carlo方法是在一定程度上反映用户最优,可以与系统最优方法结合使用的结论。
This paper discusses the background and significance of the study. It briefly introduces the Logit model based on stochastic utility theory and Monte Carlo method for stochastic simulation. Then it discusses the use of Logit model to generate the selection probability of urban bus station and Monte Carlo method to simulate the selection of urban bus terminal The example of Nanjing urban bus station planning is used to verify the applicability of Logit model and Monte Carlo method. Finally, it is concluded that Logit model and Monte Carlo method can reflect user’s optimality to a certain extent and combine with optimal system method Use of the conclusion.