The calculation of the thermal efficiency of the heating furnace generally adopts a positive balance calculation method, which is calculated by directly measuring the input heat and the output heat of the heating furnace. In order to study the relationship between thermal efficiency of gas heating furnace and controllable parameters such as gas tempera- ture parameter, exhaust gas temperature and excess air coefficient, the method of calculating the positive balance of thermal efficiency is improved. By adopting the method of calculating the thermal equilibrium efficiency of reverse heat, Heat loss, gas incomplete combustion heat loss calculation to obtain thermal efficiency. Compiling calculation software according to thermal efficiency calculation method and preserving process parameters in software calculation interface can provide basic data for analyzing influencing factors of thermal efficiency, making energy saving measures and evaluating energy saving effect. The calculation method and software have been applied on-site in an oilfield, and the calculation of the thermal efficiency of different types of gas heating furnaces has been completed. (Table 8, reference 10)