The Features of Middle Class in Victorian Era

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  【Abstract】Victorian Era is a historical period in England when classes begin to spring up. And it witnessed the rising of middle class. This thesis mainly discusses the features of middle class, referring to their political state, economic situation and their consciousness.
  【Key words】Middle class; Features; Politics; Economy; Consciousness
  1. Introduction
  Victorian Era witnessed the rising of middle class. In 19th century, middle class not only become the major group of Victorian Era, but the important characters of Victorian novels. As a new rising bourgeois class, middle class show their existence everywhere. They don’t enjoy privileges like nobility and can not issue orders to control the authority. This union makes use of their ability to affect this society. They take up various occupations, working in different departments. What’s more, no matter they are poor or not, most of middle class then have opportunities to learn at school and enjoy different education. That’s why the state of consciousness of this union is unified. But in the whole, they are of several common features.
  2. Features of Middle Class
  Compared to other classes, middle class take on a different appearance. Their own common features have come into being.
  2.1 Passivity in Politics
  In terms of political right, though have a close relationship with the upper class, middle class are not so active in politics like the nobility who enjoy some political privilege. they are between upper class who have privileges and working class who directly take up production. They can not issue an order like nobility by means of their rights at hand, but usually take up different kinds of concrete jobs. In fact, they come to control production and cultural facilities through economy, administration, culture as well as education. Strictly speaking, middle class is obedient in politics; they pay little attention to political right but resort to such a generally political status to concern the development of culture and economy.
  2.2 Stability in Economy
  Generally speaking, middle class refer to working bourgeois class who own considerable property. Among them especially the bourgeois class who get the future of economy at their hands, play an essential role in society. As the major group, middle class take up various occupations with fixed functions and almost exist in every corner of society. That’s why their income are stable. What’s more, middle class at the same time usually have opportunity to accept higher education, and have more money and time to learn cultural knowledge and productive skills. Different level of middle class has distinct standards in economy, and they are loyal to their own occupations and devote themselves to keep their current economic status, and of course they have the ambition to pursue further wealth, but they usually do their own jobs well in priority.   2.3 State of consciousness
  Though middle class represent the value of freedom and democracy, the obviously common advocacy may not reach an agreement in such a social environment. However, the whole consciousness is vigorous and positive. There are three kinds of consciousness, including evangelicalism, ideal of gentlemen and utilitarianism, which gets through the valuable concepts of middle class in Victorian Era. In terms of features of behavior, middle class can be divided into two groups, either advocating instrument or admiring gentleman manner of nobility. While they are creating huge material wealth, they have been becoming of the instrument of earning money. On the other hand, another group of middle class who try to get rid of this instrument tend to become moralizers. They propagate evangelicalism and ideal of gentleman, especially the irrational pastors. What they want to be is the hypocritical embodiment advocating gentleman manner. In spite of giving priority to the morality, they have to serve for their economic interest due to the social reality.
  3. Conclusion
  While we conform the realistic features of middle class, the writer hopes the readers can observe the negative influence of middle class who satisfy with things which in fact hinder the progress of society. To some degree, this thesis is only the personal view of the writer, and there must be more aspects of middle class deserved to research.
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县财政局局长退休后,副局长袁大山和另一个叫郭少河的副局长,成了最有力的竞争人选。可是最近,袁大山听说郭少河有个表叔在省里任职,俗话说“省里有人好做官”,袁大山感觉自己没戏了,就想退出竞争。  恰好,这时他们单位根据县里要求,要往大河村选派一名第一书记,于是袁大山主动请缨去大河村任职。  袁大山刚到大河村,村民们就围上来,说他们村的宅基地七八年了,分不下去,许多人家的儿子大了等着分地盖房娶媳妇,就因
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【摘要】英美文学作品通常具有很高的语言艺术,对其语言进行研究,不仅可以帮助读者更好地了解作品内涵,还会进一步提高文学素养。加强对文学语言艺术的鉴赏,还能够使学习者具备良好的跨文化视角,能够更进一步了解各国之间的文化。本文主要从跨文化视角下,对英美文学作品中的语言艺术进行赏析。  【关键词】英美文学作品;跨文化视角;语言艺术  【作者简介】张静,阜新高等专科学校外语系。  引言  语言是一门艺术,在
【摘要】小学是帮助学生认知英语、喜欢英语、激发对英语学习兴趣的重要阶段,尤其是小学三四年级的学生。所以小学英语教学的目的应该是培养学生对于英语的兴趣,促进其学习积极性。而童话故事情境的创设正好符合小学生的需求和爱好,能够有效地活跃英语课堂。本文探究了童话故事教学法的重要性,针对如何创设童话故事情境来让小学中年级英语课堂熠熠生辉进行了简单的分析。  【关键词】童话;情境创设;小学中年级  【作者简介
【摘要】本文探析在中职学生英语口语能力提升上应用信息化手段的对策,先从信息化手段应用英语口语课堂的现状进行思考,再总结、借鉴相关信息化手段教学的对策,将其相关对策应用到中职英语口语课堂上,以更好地提升中职学生的英语口语能力。  【关键词】信息化手段;中职学生;英语口语能力  【作者简介】刘烨,河南省工业科技学校。  一、前言  近年来,计算机信息技术的发展,不仅影响着人们的生活方式,还促进了教育信
主持人语  2014年,教育部全面启动对2004年开始施行的各学科普通高中课程标准的修订工作。本次修订以贯彻落实党的十八大提出的“立德树人”根本任务为指针,深入总结我国第八次普通高中课程改革以来的宝贵经验,在充分比较和借鉴国际课程改革先进经验与优秀成果的基础上,修订各学科普通高中课程标准,努力构建具有中国特色的普通高中课程体系。2016年9月,《中国学生发展核心素养》总体框架正式发布。中国学生发展
【摘要】在初中英语课堂的教育和实施过程中,教师不仅需要帮助学生实现基础知识的学习和掌握,还需要针对学生的合作学习能力加以针对性训练,并引领学生在合作学习的参与和体验中有效实现英语知识的掌握、语用能力的提升和英语学科核心素养的逐步提升和健全。同时,合作学习的课堂参与形式可以应用于不同的英语知识学习过程中,并切实提升学生的英语综合水平。  【关键词】初中;英语;合作学习  【作者简介】王敏娜,甘肃省嘉
[摘要] 目的 探討前路椎体次全切钛网植骨融合内固定术(anterior cervical corpectomy and fusion,ACCF)与前路椎间盘切除Cage 植骨融合内固定术(anterior cervical discectomy and fusion,ACDF)治疗相邻双节段脊髓型颈椎病的中期疗效及并发症发生情况。 方法 分析2010年1月~2014年12月期间共252例相邻双节