目的弄清白云鄂博稀土铁矿在1983-2001年间长期吸入含钍稀土粉尘矿工肺内钍沉积量平均值、最高值及达到一个调查水平人数,并对其作出卫生评价。方法用静电负高压呼出气中钍射气子体收集测量系统,获得每名被测矿工肺内钍的沉积量。结果751名矿工1 270人次的测定结果表明,其肺内钍沉积量平均值为1.576 Bq,最高值为11.11 Bq;肺内钍沉积量达到1个调查水平者占被检总人次的22.91%。结论调查结果表明该矿接尘矿工肺内钍沉积量的平均值与最高值和1983-1994年的调查结果一致。但由于有一定数量的矿工肺内钍沉积量达到了一个调查水平,该矿防护措施仍需加强。
Objective To find out the mean and maximum values of intrapulmonary thorium deposition in long-term inhalation of thorium-bearing rare earth dust miners in Baiyunebo Rare Earth Ore from 1983 to 2001 and to reach the level of a survey, and make a health evaluation of them. Methods Electrostatic negative pressure exhaled gas thoron projectile collection measurement system to obtain each measured miners lung thorium deposition. Results The results of 1 270 person-times of 751 miners showed that the average amount of thorium deposition in the lung was 1.576 Bq and the highest value was 11.11 Bq. The amount of thorium deposition in the lungs accounted for 22.91% of the total number of persons examined. CONCLUSIONS The results of the survey indicate that the average and maximum values of thorium deposition in the mine dust miner’s lungs are consistent with the 1983-1994 findings. However, due to a certain number of miners lung thorium deposition reached a level of investigation, the mine protection measures still need to be strengthened.