东德《核能》1980年第4期刊登了西德卡尔斯鲁厄核研究中心 M.D.多纳的文章,题目是《快中子增殖堆导热问题的基础研究》,现将其中的一节译载如下:快堆的战略意义,一开始就为原子能科学家所认识。早在1946年,费米和齐恩就建造了第一座快中子研究堆“Clementine”,一开始想用气体把功率密度非常高的快堆堆芯的热量带走,这在当时是不可能的。因此“Clementine”和后来的快中子研究堆都采
East German “Nuclear Energy” published in the 4th issue of 1980, an article published by MD Dorner of the Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center in West Germany, entitled “Basic research on heat transfer in fast breeder reactors”. As follows: The strategic significance of fast reactors was first known to atomic energy scientists. As early as 1946, Fermi and Zine built the first fast-neutron research reactor “Clementine”. At first, they wanted to use gas to take away the heat from fast reactor cores with very high power density, which was not at the time. possible. So Clementine and later fast neutron research reactors