Modelling of Time Dependency of Chloride Diffusion Coefficient in Cement Paste

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chunyu1988
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A computer-based model and method was presented to predict the time dependency of chloride diffusion coefficients in cement paste. The HYMOSTRUC3D model was applied to generate a 3D representative elementary volume (REV) of cement paste. In the simulation of microstructure, both of cement hydration and chloride binding were considered. With the simulated microstructure of cement paste, the finite element method was applied to simulate the diffusion process of chloride through the saturated cement paste. Based on the Fick’s first law, the chloride diffusion coefficient can be calculated. In this method, the influences of age and w/c ratio on the chloride diffusion coefficient were evaluated. The simulated chloride diffusivities with various w/c at different time were compared to experimental data obtained from the literature. The experimental results indicate that the chloride diffusion coefficient decreases with the increase of time and the decrease of w/c ratio. The trend of simulated relationship (diffusion coefficient vs time, diffusion coefficient vs w/c ratio) fits very well with the experiments. A computer-based model and method was presented to predict the time dependency of chloride diffusion coefficients in cement paste. The HYMOSTRUC3D model was applied to generate a 3D representative elementary volume (REV) of cement paste. In the simulation of microstructure, both of cement hydration and chloride binding were considered. With the simulated microstructure of cement paste, the finite element method was applied to simulate the diffusion process of chloride through the saturated cement paste. Based on the Fick’s first law, the chloride diffusion coefficient can be calculated. In this method, the influences of age and w / c ratio on the chloride diffusion coefficient were evaluated. The experimental results indicate that the chloride diffusion coefficient were coefficient decreases with the increase of time and the decrease of w / c ratio. The trend of simulat ed relationship (diffusion coefficient vs time, diffusion coefficient vs w / c ratio) fits very well with the experiments.
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问:我3岁时,林某收养了我,并把我抚养成人,后因关系不和睦解除了养母子关系。现在林某已年过九旬,生活不能自理,要求我给付赡养费。请问,我有赡养她的义务吗?  韦德明(广西北海)  律师意见:我国《收养法》第30条规定:“收养关系解除后,经养父母抚养的成年养子女,对缺乏劳动能力又缺乏生活来源的养父母,应当给付生活费。”林某把你抚养成人,已尽了抚养义务,现在她年事已高,生活不能自理,您应当向她支付生活