“厂长信箱”是企业领导者与职工群众相互沟通的桥梁,也可作为厂长“施政廉洁、发扬民主”的象征。笔者怀着浓厚的兴趣走访了一些厂矿,结果却令人叹息。许多“厂长信箱”或“党委书记信箱”上落满了厚厚的灰尘。据一些信访人员说,信箱常年收不到一封信。怎么会产生这种现象呢?笔者认为,不外乎以下几种情形: 一是掩耳盗铃型。对民主一向不重视,对“发扬民主”的口号更是深感刺耳。但为了应付上级检查,不得已把“信箱”钉在较为醒目的位置,再堂而皇之地呐喊几声,“民主”似乎也就得以“发扬”了。可俗话说:群众的眼睛是雪亮的。假民主终
“Manager’s mail box” is a bridge between the leaders of enterprises and the masses of workers and workers, and it can also be used as a symbol of the director’s “political integrity and development of democracy.” The author visited some factories and mines with great interest. The result was sigh. Many of the “manager mailboxes” or “party party secretaries’ mailboxes” were covered with thick dust. According to some petitioners, mail boxes do not receive a letter all year round. How can this phenomenon occur? The author believes that nothing more than the following situations: First, stealing. We have always paid little attention to democracy and are deeply screaming at the slogan of “promoting democracy.” However, in order to cope with superior inspections, the “mail box” had to be nailed to a more conspicuous position and shouted loudly and again. “Democracy” seemed to be able to “grow”. As the saying goes: The eyes of the people are brilliant. False democratic end