(1) The fruit fly is an important pest that damages the citrus fruit and can be spread with the transport of fresh fruit. In the past, only known in Japan and Taiwan Province of our country, it has been identified that Ningming, Pingxiang, An, Yangshuo and He County are also born, which is the first recorded in mainland China should be listed as China’s domestic and foreign plant quarantine object, strictly enforce the quarantine system to prevent the spread and spread. (2) fruit fly in Guangxi one The occurrence of a generation in the year, the vast majority of the pupa in the orange garden topsoil, individual larvae wintering in the victimized fruit drop. (3) the occurrence of orange fruit fly and the environment are closely linked to the general mountain orangery, shade, often heavier victims (4) adults have chemotaxis, like sugar, wine, vinegar and other substances in the active stage of adult activity, the use of honey 13 parts, 3 parts of wine, 200 parts of water, dubbed trap liquid, hoisting Tree top; or 1000 times 90% trichlorfon plus 3% brown sugar, the election spray in the dense foliage, 2-3 kg per plant spray liquid, trapping adults, have a certain effect. , Pick up and drop fruit in time.Flowering every 5-7 days once in early, peak to last period once a day.After collecting, using immersion, burying, burning, hot and other methods, can kill (6) The habit of using the pupae to winter in the topsoil, such as the winter orange garden can plow the topsoil over the winter, can directly scrape the pupa body, but also expose the pupa body, increase the chance of freezing to death and being pecked by birds, May also have some control effect.