目的分析招飞体检质量,查找影响体检质量的问题,改进体检办法。方法收集、统计并分析1994~2003年招飞学员入校体检各年度、各科室淘汰和观察矫治情况,比较前5年和后5年的变化。按科室、病症排序,从招飞和入校检查结果不一致、医师掌握标准不当、漏诊、学员新发病和身体变化几方面分析考察。结果淘汰与观察矫治两项的总例数为455人,按科室和专项检查排序依次为:外科、内科、耳鼻喉科、眼科、神经精神科、心电图、电测听、化验、B 超、X 线。排在前10位的病症为:听力不良、血压(高或低)、晕厥及晕厥前状态、视力不足、心脏期前收缩、脾大、谷丙转氨酶超标、副鼻窦炎、心电图 T波改变、尿化验异常。结论不仅应提高招飞体检质量,而且对入校后飞行学员的训练方法和管理方法都要科学化。
Objective To analyze the quality of the medical examination, find out the problems that affect the quality of medical examination, and improve the medical examination methods. Methods Collecting, counting and analyzing the physical examinations of trainees who admitted to trainees from 1994 to 2003 in each year, the elimination and observation and treatment of the departments and departments, comparing the changes in the first 5 years and the last 5 years. According to the department and the order of the illness, it analyzes and examines the results from the inconsistency between the results of strokes admission and school examinations, the doctors’ misconduct of standards, the missed diagnosis, new onset of students and body changes. Results The total number of cases of obsolescence and observation and correction was 455. According to departments and special examination, the total number of cases was as follows: surgery, internal medicine, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, neuropsychiatry, electrocardiogram, electro-test, test, B- line. The top 10 symptoms were: poor hearing, high blood pressure (high or low), pre-syncope and pre-syncope states, poor vision, pre-cardiac contractions, splenomegaly, excess alanine aminotransferase, sinusitis, Abnormal urine test. Conclusions should not only improve the quality of the medical examination, but also to train the flight training methods and management methods should be scientific.