
来源 :中国经济史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuzhaozhihui
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宋仁宗时期,为了改变官榷法和引盐法的实施效果,范祥为陕西设计出“钞盐法”制度。前人多因袭旧说,认为此法促进了盐业的市场化,对其评价较高。实际上,钞盐法通过规定见钱买钞、盐钞价格和发钞数额,将盐法制度完全置于朝廷管控之下,断绝地方官府和商人议价或变通的空间,在某种意义上反而降低了盐业的市场化程度。该政策管控过严,难以契合地方需求,终因无法杜绝实物入中、解盐滞销、发钞量扩大等而遭遇挫折。这反映出钞盐法的设计和实际运作之间有巨大差异,故应对其予以更为客观的评价。 During the reign of Song Renzong, Fan Xiang designed the system for “law of the salt and salt” for Shaanxi Province in order to change the effect of the official inspection and the introduction of salt. Former predecessors and more due to old saying that this Act has promoted the market-oriented salt industry, its higher rating. In fact, the Banknote Salt Law, by stipulating that the money to buy money, the price of salt bills and the amount of bills issued, put the salt law completely under the control of the court and cut off the bargaining or modification space of local officials and merchants in a sense Reduce the degree of marketization of the salt industry. The policy is too strict control, difficult to meet the local needs, and ultimately unable to put an end to material imports, unsalable salt unsold, the issuance of cash to expand and suffered setbacks. This shows that there is a huge difference between the design and the actual operation of the Banknote and Salt Act, so it should be evaluated more objectively.
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提起刘邦,稍有点历史知识的人都会嗤之以鼻:流氓!文盲!痞子皇帝!  不少人还能举出具体史例,诸如贪酒好色,蹭饭赖账,粗言秽语,刁蛮好骂。自己不读书,还见不得别人读书:自己流里流气,也憎恶别人庄重儒雅,竟于大庭广众,强行摘下客人头上儒冠往里撒尿。功臣将相,不是杀狗的编席的,就是贩布的看监的,多是质木少文、出身低贱的市井小民,整个一文盲团队,等等。司马迁《史记》对刘邦鞭辟入里的刻画,早已深入国人之心了