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十八大以来,国家加大统筹推进城乡社会社会保障体系的建立,逐步改革和完善企事业单位的养老保险、医疗保险等制度。随着我国经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,离退休职工做为一个特殊的群体,做好离退休职工管理工作内容复杂、困难重重,特别是大型国有油田企业,面临着退休职工比较多、涉及范围广泛、国家政策性强等问题。退休职工管理工作是否到位,关系着老年人晚年的幸福生活、国家政策的贯彻落实、家庭和睦、和谐社会的建立以及社会稳定。本文就离退休职工工作重要性及其现状,提出相应的管理措施,对于提高离退休职工管理工作水平,做好离退休职工的服务工作,有着重要的意义。 Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the state has stepped up efforts to promote the establishment of a social and social security system in urban and rural areas and gradually reform and improve the system of endowment insurance and medical insurance for enterprises and public institutions. With the economic development of our country and the improvement of people’s living standard, retired workers as a special group do well in the management of retired staff with complicated and difficult tasks. Especially large state-owned oilfield enterprises are facing more retired workers, Involving a wide range of issues such as strong national policy. The management of retired staff is in place, is related to the happy life of the elderly in their later years, the implementation of national policies, family harmony, the establishment of a harmonious society and social stability. In this paper, the importance of retirement workers and their status quo, put forward the corresponding management measures for the retired workers to improve the management level, do a good job retired workers service, is of great significance.
意大利总理希尔沃·贝鲁斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi)与公众见面,这成为他的个人历史标记。意大利将人主欧盟轮流主席,届时,贝鲁斯克尼将获得这个席位,为期6个月。 7月2日,他
Objectives The cellular repressor of E1A-activated genes (CREG), a novel gene, was recently found to play a role in inhibiting cell growth and promoting cell di
摘 要:由于高等院校的特殊性,使得实验室成为高等学校教学和科研的重要基地,同时成为培养学生动手能力和创新能力的重要环节,通过实验教学使学生的综合素质不断提高,阐述了高等院校实验室建设和实验教学改革的主要措施。  关键词:高等院校;实验室;建设;教学改革    1 高等院校实验室和实验教学的重要地位    1.1 高等院校实验室建设的必要性  实验室的工作水平是反映一所学校教学水平、科
The aging of the population and improvements in outcomes after cardiovascular surgery have resulted in a worldwide growing demand of complex surgical interventi