研制了一种可耐多种强极性溶剂的双组分环氧树脂(EP)防腐粘接涂层,其不仅能经受丙酮、甲苯等极性溶剂的长期浸泡,而且对甲醇、1,1,2-三氯乙烷和四氢呋喃等强极性溶剂也具有良好的防腐功效。试验结果表明:该高固含量环保型EP粘接涂层具有不含溶剂、与金属之间的粘接强度较高(剪切强度超过18 MPa、拉伸强度超过45 MPa)、固化涂层的收缩率较低、可室温固化以及操作方便等优点,是一种非常理想的防腐粘接涂层。
A two-component epoxy resin (EP) anti-corrosion adhesive coating which can withstand many kinds of strong polar solvents was developed. It can not only withstand the long-term immersion of polar solvents such as acetone, toluene, , 2-trichloroethane and tetrahydrofuran and other highly polar solvents also have good anti-corrosion effect. The results show that the high solid EP adhesive coating has the advantages of no solvent, high bonding strength with metal (shear strength exceeds 18 MPa and tensile strength exceeds 45 MPa), and the cured coating Low shrinkage, room temperature curing and easy operation, etc., is a very ideal anti-corrosion adhesive coating.