下面是了解中国现代历史的人都耳熟能详的《田中奏折》的“名句”:惟欲征服支那,必先征服满蒙,如欲征服世界,必先征服支那。倘支那完全被我国征服,其他如小中亚细亚及印度、南洋等异服之民族,必畏我敬我而降于我。使世界知东亚为我国之东亚,永不敢向我侵犯,此乃明治大帝之遗策,是亦我日本帝国之存立上必要之事也。…… 长达两万多字的《田中奏折》,长期以来一直被视为是日本军国主义侵略中国称霸世界的纲领性文件,是揭露日本侵略野心的有力证据。
The following is a famous quote from Tanzhong Mayfair, which is well known to all in the modern history of China: If one wants to conquer the country, he must first conquer Manchuria, and if he wants to conquer the world, he must first conquer China. If it is completely conquered by our country, other ethnic minorities such as Little Central Asia, India and Nanyang will fear me to respect me and come to me. East Asia, which has made the world known to be our country, never dared to assault me. This is the legacy of the Meiji Emperor and the necessary thing for the establishment of my Japanese empire. The memorial of the Tianzhong memorial which has a capacity of more than 20,000 words has long been regarded as a programmatic document for the Japanese militarism’s aggression against China in its domination of the world and as a powerful proof of exposing Japan’s aggressive will.