珠江三角洲地区乡镇中学生AIDS/性相关知识 态度及行为调查

来源 :中国艾滋病性病 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oceanspring
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目的 了解乡镇中学对艾滋病 (AIDS) /性相关知识的认识、态度和行为情况 ,为今后采取针对性的AIDS健康教育策略提供科学依据。方法 在珠江三角洲的某市 ,随机选择 1个乡镇的 2间中学各 2个班的学生进行匿名自填式问卷调查 ,内容包括AIDS/性相关知识、态度和行为。结果 共调查 192名中学生。AIDS知识总知晓率、传播途径和预防知识知晓率分别为 2 2 9%、4 3 2 %和 2 4 5 %。高中学生AIDS知识总知晓率明显高于初中学生 (χ2 =7 4 ,P <0 0 5 )。中学生性知识缺乏 ,对早恋、婚前性行为、网恋及一夜情等行为持反对态度的比例仅分别为 30 2 %、4 5 8%、4 6 4 %和 78 6 %。高中生对早恋、婚前性行为和一夜情持不反对态度的比例明显高于初中生。有 17 7%的中学生曾经发生过性行为 ,在最近一次性行为中安全套使用率仅为 38 2 %。有 5 7%的中学生曾尝试吸毒。结论 目前中学生对AIDS知识认识不足 ,性知识贫乏 ,性观念、性行为开放。因此 ,我们不但要加强对中学生的AIDS知识的宣传教育 ,而且还应把它与性教育紧密结合。 Objective To understand the knowledge, attitude and behavior of AIDS / sexuality knowledge in township high schools and to provide a scientific basis for the targeted AIDS health education strategy in the future. Methods In a city in the Pearl River Delta, randomly selected students from two secondary schools in one township were asked to conduct anonymous self-administered questionnaires that included AIDS / sexual related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. Results A total of 192 middle school students were investigated. The total awareness rate of AIDS knowledge, the route of transmission and the awareness rate of prevention knowledge were 22.9%, 42.2% and 24.5% respectively. The total awareness rate of AIDS knowledge among high school students was significantly higher than that of junior high school students (χ2 = 74, P <0 05). The proportion of secondary school students who lack of knowledge about sexuality, attitude toward premarital sex, premarital behavior, online dating and one-night stands were only 30.2%, 45.8%, 46.4% and 78.6% respectively. The proportion of high school students to puppy love, premarital sex and one-night stand was significantly higher than junior high school students. There were 17 7% of secondary school students who had had sexual intercourse before, and the rate of condom use was only 38 2% in the latest one-time sexual activity. Fifty-seven percent of middle school students have tried drug abuse. Conclusions At present, middle school students lack knowledge of AIDS, lack of knowledge, sexual attitudes and sexual behavior. Therefore, we should not only step up publicity education on AIDS knowledge of middle school students, but also integrate it with sex education.
目的研究肺炎支原体肺炎患儿肺泡灌洗液(BALF)病菌量及其与Th1/Th2细胞免疫应答状况的相关性。方法 90例肺炎支原体肺炎患儿,以实时荧光定量PCR方法检测其BALF中肺炎支原体DNA(M