“和谐”教育 “生态”评价——武汉市江岸区中小学有效德育评价体系的建构与实践

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十二五“期间,武汉市自2011年开始在全市中小学开展有效德育建设工程,从目标、内容、路径、推进及评价等五个方面进行了系统构建,分别选定实验区进行深入实践与探索,并以现场会的形式在全市深入推进。基于此,江岸区承担了中小学德育评价体系研制任务,经过系列的探索与实践,构建了区域”N+I“(即Normal+”independent自主、initiative主动、innovate创新“)的德育”生态“评价模式,区内各校也因校制宜,进行了自主、多元、开放的德育评价模式建构,切实促进了学校的德育工作,成效显著。2015年11月26日,武汉市中小学有效德育评价体系推进会在江岸区七一中学成功召开。推进会上,江岸区全面介绍了”N+I“有效德育”生态“评价模式,鄱阳街小学、武汉市七一华源中学、武汉市育才高中分别针对小学、初中、高中三个学段的学生特点,作为区域学校德育评价代表依次展示了情景评价模式、班级团队管理PK评价模式及交互式评价模式。现将区域、学校德育评价模式文本刊发如下,以供实践者借鉴。 During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, Wuhan City started effective moral education construction in primary and secondary schools throughout the city in 2011. The system was constructed from the following five aspects: goal, content, path, promotion and evaluation. Each area was selected to conduct in-depth practice And exploration, and in the form of on-site meeting in-depth promotion in the city.Based on this, Jiang’an District undertakes the task of moral education evaluation system of primary and secondary schools, after a series of exploration and practice, the construction of the regional ”N + I“ independent initiative, initiative initiative, innovate innovation ”), the schools in the region also conducted autonomous, pluralistic and open moral evaluation model construction due to school reform and effectively promoted the reform of moral education in schools Moral education, with remarkable results .In November 26, 2015, Wuhan primary and secondary effective moral education evaluation system will be held successfully in Jiang’an District July 1 middle school.Promoting meeting, riverbank area fully introduced the “N + I” effective moral education Poyang Street Primary School, Wuhan Qiyi Middle School and Wuhan Yucai High School respectively focus on the characteristics of students in primary, middle and high school, as the representative of regional school moral education evaluation The scene evaluation mode, class management team PK evaluation mode and interactive evaluation mode will now be regional, school moral education evaluation model text published below for practitioners learn.
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